Cheer Info
Welcome to Kanawha Cheerleading Frequently Asked Questions! When becoming a cheerleader at Kanawha, you are becoming a part of a family. Please see below for any questions you may have, if a question is not answered below don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our cheer directors.
Q: Who are the cheer directors for Kanawha?
A: Dana Miller (Cheer Director) and Taryn Layne (Assistant Cheer Director). They have been with Kanawha for several years and here for your child. They both have or have had daughters in the cheer program and make any cheerleader a part of the family.
Who will be coaching my kids?:
All teams are led by qualified and experienced coaches, whose mission is to make this a positive, fun filled experience for your child.
Head Cheerleading Coaches:
Below are both the Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches for the 2025 Fall Season.
12U/14U: Connie Crowl & Jessica Armstrong
10U: Heather Naulty, Rachel Dunlap & Heather Henderson
8U: Shashana Bonilla
Flag: Natalie Jackson
Junior Coaches: Jackie & Hadley (former Kanawha Cheerleaders)
Head Football Coaches:
Football Information under under FOOTBALL
Q: How much does it cost to register my child for cheerleading?
A: To register your child in the Kanawha cheer program the cost is $175 for cheerleaders.
Q: How old must my child be to cheer?
A: Cheerleaders must be 5 years old by July 31st to be eligible to cheer for the same season. The age limit is 14.
Q: Is cheerleading just for girls?
A: No! Just like our football team we accept both girls and boys to cheer for Kanawha!
Q: Do I have to tryout to be a cheerleader with Kanawha?
A: No. We do not have requirements. We just want you to enjoy yourself and learn new things. Come with a positive attitude.
Q: What do I need in order to register my child for cheer?
A: You can register online by clicking on register or in-person. You must have the following for your child to participate.
-Code of Ethics signed by both the cheerleader and the parent.
Q: Which squad will my child be placed on?
A: The main criteria used to decide squad placement in the Cheer program is age.
*The age your child is considered for squad placement is the age they will be as of July 31st.
Kanawha Cheer Squad Age as of JULY 31st
Flag - 5 and 6
8 U - 7 and 8
10 U - 9 and 10
12 U – 11, 12 , 13 & 14
Q: What is the practice schedule for cheerleading?
Practice Starts on Monday, July 28th:
-Practices are held at the Kanawha Field, Cheer practices near the softball field.
-Before School Starts, practices will be Monday, Thursday & Thursday from 6:00pm until 7:30pm
-After School Starts, practices will be Tuesdays & Thursday from 6:00pm until 7:30pm.
Q: What is the game schedule?
A: The game schedules will be posted on our Team Snap App.
Game Schedule:
-2024 Fall schedule will be in your Team Snap App & on the Schedule Page of the Website.
-On Game Days, Cheerleaders will cheer for our varsity teams at whichever field they are playing.
-Times and locations will vary, depending on if our opponent fields all teams, overtimes, injuries, etc.
Q: What if it rains, will there be practice and/or games?
A: We will practice and/or play games as long as the fields are open and playable. Storms that develop during the course of a game or practice will be assessed as they happen. We are required to cancel practices/games if Henrico County has deemed our field unplayable. In the event of questionable weather, please utilize Henrico County field hotline phone number is 804-501-5132 This hotline is run by Henrico County, is updated once daily at 3:00 PM and is another way to find out if practice is cancelled due to weather.
Q: Can I drop my child off at practice or games?
A: Parents must be at all practices and games, you may not leave your child alone. This is in case of injury and if we cancel due to weather. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Q: How can we communicate with other cheer parents and coaches?
A: We use a program called Team Snap. This can be downloaded on your phone. This has a private chat room that you have to be invited to. We use this to also upload cheers, pictures, and communication of snacks at games.
Q: What are junior coaches?
A: Junior coaches are cheerleaders or previous cheerleaders who are in high school (ages 14-18) who help coach and receive community service hours for helping coach.
Q: How do I become a junior coach?
A: Reach out to the cheer directors and they will discuss how you can volunteer at Kanawha!
- Registered Via Team Snap
- Paid in FULL by July 31st
- A SIGNED CODE OF CONDUCT (Please Print, Read (Parent and Child) and Sign (Parent and Child) . Finished Code of Conduct can either UPLOADED either during Registration or directly into your Team Snap Bio OR Brought to Equipment or Uniform Handout)
What to Wear
Q: What should be worn to cheer practice?
A: All cheerleaders should wear athletic wear to practice. This means no flip flops, jeans, skirts/dresses. Tennis shoes are required. Hair must be out of the face.
Q: What should be worn to games?
A: Uniforms are required in order to cheer at games. Skirt, Vest, Socks, Shoes, Lollies and Bow are required. On cold days the warm-up outfit is required. All cheerleaders must wear the exact same uniform, if one person is missing a piece of their warm-up gear, they either do not cheer that game or no one wears that item. For more questions in regards to uniforms please see your daughter's coach or Cheer Directors.
*Please no jewelry, no watches, no fake tattoos, and no nail polish can be worn at practices or games. Closed toe shoes are also required during practices as well as a bottle of water.
*All hair must be worn up in a pony tail or off the shoulders and out of the face.
Q: How much does the uniform cost?
A: Some uniform pieces are provided by Kanawha. Those items include: Lollies, Bow, Vest & Skirt. The Vest and Skirt must be returned at the end of the season cleaned. White tennis shoes, white ankle socks and the warm-up outfit must be purchased. All warm-up outfits must be purchased through Kanawha by July 31st. You can purchase white cheer shoes from local places such as Dicks Sporting Goods, Disco Sports or online at any cheer retailer.
Purchase Warm-Up Here by August 1st: